Go Balance uses sophisticated national and sub-national geospatial datasets to quantify the carbon benefits of the Trocano Project.
Satellite Imagery for Transparency
We are able to accurately and efficiently determine carbon stock levels. In addition, any changes in carbon stock through forest loss or fire events can also be identified from these satellite datasets. This provides the basis for verification and the resulting Natural Capital Credits being issued to the Trocano Araretama Project.
Natural Capital Credits are achieved by projects using the Natural Forest Standard, which is a voluntary market standard specifically for large-scale nature-based avoided deforestation projects . Projects are independently validated and verified by leading third-party GHG validators and verifiers prior to issuance of the carbon offsets, under ISO 14065:2013 and ISO 14064-3:2013 guidelines.
Verifiable, Open Source Data
Open-source datasets provide an unbiased, accurate and verifiable analysis of the project area. They also form the basis for the transparent and robust project baseline modelling.
Go Balance compiles the data from external sources for a comprehensive assessment of the Trocano Project area. Analysis includes the carbon stocks and the carbon emissions that have been avoided as a result of the project.
Quantifying the Carbon Benefits of the Trocano Project
Nationally-recognised reference levels provide transparency and credibility for Go Balance as the project developer. It also provides assurance for the volumes of Natural Capital Credits issued for the Trocano Project.
The Trocano Project is a REDD+ project and covers an extensive area of rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon; in excess of 1.3 million hectares.
Using highly credible datasets means the project and the Natural Capital Credits are consistently quantified. All data sources are fully referenced and can be corroborated for accuracy and completeness.